와치캣 브랜드정보


다마스코 EPS®-Spring

작성자 와치캣(ip:)

작성일 2010-04-06 12:21:27

조회 718

평점 0점  

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 다마스코의 신기술이 적용된 실헤어스프링 EPS®-Spring 입니다.  원문 그대로 싣는점 양해바랍니다.
이 기술이 적용된 모델이 DC66 S 와 DC67 Si 입니다.

EPS® springs with uniformly identical quality:

As in the case of the silicon escape wheel, the EPS® spring is produced in a DRIE (deep reactive ion etching) process, which is described in more detail at a later stage. The material has a uniformly fault-free polycrystalline structure and can be machined with tolerances in the micrometer range. Accordingly, all EPS® springs are of uniformly consistent and extremely high quality, which is transferred onto to the accuracy of the movements fitted with these.

The EPS® spring is the result of the consistent innovative policy of our manufacture. With this development, Damasko is amongst the leaders in innovation and at the same time sets decisive accents in order to furnish its novelties with an exclusiveness that is typical to the brand using significant distinguishing features. Also in the case of the EPS® spring, it is the objective of this innovative philosophy to increase the accuracy and stability of mechanical watches, as well as raise the durability and sustainable value of Damasko watches.

Damasko will still carry out numerous tests before this new EPS® spring can be integrated in wider serial production.

EPS® spring by Damasko at a glance

  • Produced by deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) method and registered as a patent

  • Concentric development that improves isochronism on the basis of a geometry that is registered as a patent

  • Anti-magnetic

  • Temperature compensation due to material properties

  • Contrary to conventional springs, no thermal or mechanical impairment at fixation points

  • Insensitivity to minor shocks

  • Reduced sensitivity to centrifugal and gravitational forces, as the EPS® is three times lighter than conventional springs

  • No impairment of movement rate due to recurrent minor shocks in daily use

  • Complies with NIHS standards for coincidental standardised shocks

    The following images illustrate the flexibility of our EPS® springs:

Image 1 shows the spring in a non-tensioned condition – absolutely plane at flat level
Image 2 shows the spring out of the flat level drawn approx. 6-7 cm – the individual turns are subject to strong torsional forces
Image 3 shows the spring again after the tension test in a non-tensioned condition. It is absolutely plane again at flat level - without any permanent plastic deformation


EPS Spirale Uhren
Image 1

damasko uhrenbau
Image 2

damasko uhren
Image 3



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